Thanks to the nomination of Life Enrichment Coordinator, Chris Bayne, the residents of Wood Ridge are using a new Telikin Touch computer!
Chris nominated Wood Ridge for a Telikin Touch by writing to their Telikin Cares program. She wrote that a "Telikin Touch would help our residents take a huge leap forward in connecting with their families and the outside world, regardless of vision, small muscle control or other physical condition." She also saw the benefits of playing games for the residents: "The memory game will be entertaining, therapeutic, and give our seniors a real sense of accomplishment."
With easy access to the news and the internet, Chris hopes that Telikin will help their already vibrant seniors stay current with news, politics, and health information.
We are so excited for the residents of Wood Ridge, thankful to Chris for nominating them, and Telikin Cares for honoring them with this gift.
In the picture above, Chris Bayne (center)helps two residents get acquainted with Telikin.